Eleven months ago when Bob Moore (pictured here, the founder of Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods, the Milwaukie purveyor of stone-ground whole grain products) announced that he and the other shareholders were transferring their stock to an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) so that his employees would all have the chance to become owners of the company, a few skeptics (see the comments here) pointed out that he and his wife Charlee weren't making a gift to the employees; the ESOP would be paying the Moores for their shares over time.
Last week the Clackamas Review reported on what Mr. and Mrs. Moore are doing with a large chunk of their proceeds: they're giving $5 million to Oregon State University to establish a program on nutrition and encourage healthy eating. (Bob, who turns 82 next month, is himself the best advertisement for the diet he encourages. Don't ask him what he thinks of the Atkins diet if children are present.)
Bob and Charlee Moore are a class act. We're lucky to have them in our community.
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