Twitter shut down the personal account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, stating or implying that its system of artificial intelligence had detected a "fifth strike" in her tweets that in the AI's (and hence Twitter's) view are misleading enough about Covid to cause harm. MSN's article on her partial expulsion from the Twitterverse (she can still use her official House account) demurely contrasts one of her tweets with an observed fact about Covid deaths:
Shortly before her weeklong suspension from Twitter, she claimed in a tweet that the virus was “not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65”. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people under 65 account for nearly 250,000 of US deaths involving Covid-19.
It's pleasing to see Twitter acknowledge that it's more than just a passive publisher of misinformation, similarly to its action in January last when it expelled Donald Trump. Am I perhaps too cynical in noting that it didn't expel Mr. Trump until after January 6 when it became clear that the coup attempt had failed? Twitter's management, like the Supreme Court, may align with Finley Peter Dunne's famous line, "No matther whether th' Constitution follows th' flag or not, th' Supreme Coort follows th' election returns."