Six years ago Macy's turned down Venerable Mom's application for a credit card, despite her good credit history and enviable financial status. I wrote about it here.
This week VM received an invitation to apply for a Platinum Visa card from a more local institution, which acknowledged her good credit and years as a customer. I wrote a response on her behalf:
I received the solicitation that you directed to my mother, Venerable Mom Laquedem, to apply for a Greatest Bank Visa Platinum Card, and the recognition of her good credit that your offer implies. Mom was very proud of her sterling credit history – I think her last late payment on anything was in 1953 – and she reacted with chagrin in 2011 when Macy’s turned her down for a credit card, something she and I couldn’t explain, given her substantial private income and complete freedom from debt. I think at the time her debts totaled $674, the amount of her charges that month on her credit card, and she had then lived for 15 years without a home mortgage and 50 years without a car payment.
She’s not, unfortunately, able to accept your offer, because in the fall of 2013 she died, quite peacefully and still debt-free. She’d likely be cheered by your offer, almost as much as she’d have reveled in the news that Macy’s has closed the store that invited her to apply for a credit card and then rejected her as unworthy of the honor.
Very truly yours,
Isaac Laquedem
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