Following long-established tradition dating back to 2004, we interrupt our support for the social welfare state to honor Tax Day by providing an inspirational reading apposite to this day. As with last year's celebration, this reading comes from A.P. Herbert:
Save, save, they say, and put away
What you would like to spend today.
Don’t drink, or smoke, or go abroad
And all the parties will applaud.
But when the money’s in your banks
Expect no more the nation’s thanks.
Your earnings now have changed their name,
They’re capital, a cause for shame.
While any yield they may bring
Is dividend, a filthy thing.
But selling won’t remove the stain.
You make a beastly capital gain.
You should be like the State, you fool,
And make a capital loss the rule.
Give some away to poorer men?
Oh no, you're dodging taxes then.
In short, the patriots who save
Remain in error till the grave.
So die as quickly as you can
And pay death duties like a man.
Our customary jovial support for the welfare state will return tomorrow.